Crazy how it's totally relevant now!
The past 3 weeks have been jam packed busy. For starters, I moved to San Francisco! Crazy hills they got there. I'm gonna have awesome thighs and buns. lol
So back in March, I interviewed for this job with a staffing company for the UCSF hospital as a pharmacy technician. This process lasted until 3 weeks ago, when they finally offered me a position! And let me tell you how God's hands were on this every single step of the way.
Since the beginning of the year, Neil and I have been praying about how we should proceed with the next step in our relationship. He's pretty settled and stuck in San Jose with his work and house, and I'm the one that's still living at home waiting for school applications to start. So we start praying about the possibility of me moving up, and mutually decided on June 2011- if God wills. So between Jan and May, I've had a few job interviews, but my eye was on this UCSF one and a Walgreens in Los Gatos. While the decision for UCSF was being dragged out, the manager at Walgreens was totally gracious and patient with my response.
3 weeks ago, the staffing company finally offered me a position at the hospital. He told me I could either start next week, or the week after. I still had to give my two weeks notice at my old job, so PTL! that day the job offer came, was exactly a 2 weeks notice for the new job. Originally, I had asked for a total of 3 weeks for my complete move to SF (2 weeks notice + 1 week of looking for housing/getting settled in). However, I wasn't able to get that 1 week; I only had a weekend! Thankfully, the weekend before was Memorial Day weekend, so my family and I drove up to SF to look for housing.
Another one of God's amazing blessings: my aunt has a friend who rents an apartment in the city (0.6miles away from the hospital). She doesn't live there because she's currently a 24/7 caretaker for her mom. But she wants to keep the apartment for future use, so she's renting to me as a "roommate." I'm not paying her full rent, the only thing I have to deal with is her stuff, but I get the whole 1 bedroom apartment to myself. Dude, I know. Praise God! So, housing, check.
Then I get a call from my hiring guy and says that the hospital isn't ready to train new employees yet, is it ok to postpone the start date another week. ... !!! ... This is where it blows my mind away cause... that week I thought I wouldn't be able to have... I NOW HAVE.
God is amazing. It has blown my mind, how His hand has been in every single step, and He's opened up doors that I could not have done by myself!
Also, my parents are moving to Castaic now... the next time I'm going home, will be in Castaic.. no longer the San Fernando valley. :O
Speaking of San Fernando Valley.... SFVHC, I'll miss you guys so much. You've been such a wonderful and encouraging family to get to know and grow with. I love you guys lots, and will visit you guys every opportunity I get<3 Thanks for the awesome AWESOME journal... I really LOVE it :)
Lots of goodbyes were said... but a lot of new friendships will form, it will be exciting.
God is GOOD. Praise the LORD.