Thursday, January 6, 2011

Since when did my mom know how to use the Lord's name in vain?

Although it sounds adorable in her Chinese accent, definitely no bueno to encourage lol. My mom is challenging me to the iphone game Jam Packed! She's so cute, I'm am ahead of her in levels and I said I'll stop ask wait for her to catch up and she said "你想玩我啊?" (Are you joking with me?) haha funnier in Canto.

Anyways, made an interesting observation yesterday. Was reflecting on how the year thus far (6 days in... lol) has been really smooth and the blessings that I've received and experienced from God.

- The last week of December 2010 was a horrible horrible work week. Bosses were being jerks and micromanaging everyone's move to the point of unbearableness and talking back to them. Particularly working on the traditional side of the pharmacy, working with one of my bosses was just bad. I've had experience in the lab before and so to escape the madness from traditional, I wanted to ask the lab pharmacist if I could start working more with him. However, a technician had to quit that week so I figured I wouldn't get an opportunity now because we're short staffed on the traditional side. Well just yesterday, the other technicians said that we'll be doing a rotating schedule now so we're not all stuck at one station. I was like whoa, and was thrown into lab liquid land where I compounded all day (which I've never done before)! :) Praise God for his sovereignty!
- Recently, I've been talking a lot of with Neil about me moving up to San Jose as the next step in our relationship. But first I must get over the obstacle of my parents. I would say they're traditional, but more liberal on some aspects- I just never know which one haha. And so I was talking to my mom about where my next job would be, and she basically said it was okay for me to move up north if I found a job up there! Praise God for his grace!
- I was researching possible grad schools instead of pharmacy schools to apply to, wondering if I had any interest in those subjects. Ultimately, I didn't (lol) and so I'm really glad that pharmacy is going to be my goal in the next few years. Praise God for clarity and provision!
- And praise God for his wisdom because I think I know what to write about for my personal statement :P

I am contributing all these blessings to 1 thing: reading His Word.

It seems silly but I really believe that... (I can't say it as eloquently as God so I'll quote from Him):

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him"
Hebrews 11:6

So I hope this encourages you to continue to be thirsty for the Lord and His Word- not for the rewards, not for perks, but because you genuinely have a desire to strengthen the bond you have with Jesus. Do it for Him, and then everything else GOOD will follow :) :) :)

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