Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a week!

Been sick for over a week now. I probably would have recovered sooner if I didn't have to work and constantly talk... That caused my sore throat and coughing to last for a wonderful whole week.

Celebrated 4 cool birthdays this weekend, and ate a lot of cake -_- A LOT of cake... Will go on mandatory diet starting now.

Watched the Grammys and totally fell back in love with Greenday again. Haha good old rock music phase...

And I think it's time to prepare for pharmacy school, oh boy. Lots to do and plan and pray and pray and pray. Yup, God willing (crosses fingers).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

it has been awhile

that means i'm getting lazy. things that have happened this year so far... i served jury duty for 1 day. i was picked to be a juror and then the case was dismissed because they settled out of court hahaha what a waste of time and tax payer's money. i met 2 pastor's wives there and it was nice to chat with them while we waited hours upon hours... note: "please wait another 15 minutes" really translates into 2.5 hours.

i am getting used to work, although the pain of standing on my feet all 8 hours is really tiring. my coworkers are really funny though, they be cool. and it's nice to have awesome coworkers when you're having a crummy day at work!