Thursday, March 18, 2010

"once i work on the coefficients i'll work on the co-eds..."

listening to relationship sermons by rick holland. he's pretty interesting/ entertaining. here are a few bits;

- knowing -> thinking -> feeling; don't let feeling be the leader of your thinking and knowing
- a successful relationship is one where God is the supreme focus of the relationship in them and of them.
- God isn't to be an addition to your relationship, it should be the reason of your relationship

God is not disappointing!

speaking of... after surrendering being a technician at work for the last 2 weeks... i was offered a chance to start being trained as one. so i started filling prescriptions today. it's crazy stressful and nerve wracking! but God is still so so so good.. He's GREAT! :)))

and the past weekend up in norcal was really fun, and a big blessing to be able to fellowship with my brothers and sisters, and meet new ones too =)


  1. nice congrats on the promotion!!!!

  2. i ESPECIALLY concur about the "and meet new ones too" part! :D

    sooooo niiiice seeing you yesterday at church in LA!

  3. and whoaaa you have tall guy friends! they look like GIANTS! =P
